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Currently enlisting Workshop Leaders and Assistants!

Do you have the musicianship and leadership experience as detailed bellow? If so contact us now at We are currently enlisting candidates for possible freelance engagement with Valeu Brazilian Arts. Successful candidates will be offered administration support for the processing of essential supporting documentation.


Lauren Baker (Bmus Hon) - Artistic Director 

Lauren is a freelance musician, instrumental tutor and specialist in samba drumming based in and around the London area. During her undergraduate Double Bass studies at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, further studies at City University led her to discover samba, this was the point of no return! Some years later, while project managing for the London School of Samba, one of London's major carnival organisations, she also developed a vast range of instrumental and whole class teaching experience delivering programs for Music Services across the London and the UK. At this time she was  also intensely training with master sambistas in Brazil and across Europe, and coordinating and leading large scale samba and carnival projects for organisations and events such as the BBC, Notting Hill Carnival and Thames Festival. Lauren founded Valeu with the aim to set up an organisation for the benefit of young people and wider communities. Her primary focus was to combine Brazilian cultural authenticity with consistent high quality leadership to deliver throughly engaging and exciting workshops! 


Seyi Ajeigbe - Workshop Leader/Assistant 

Seyi Ajeigbe, founder of Ekosamba community, is a British born Nigerian musician with over 15 years of experience in public/community carnival arts and musical presentations.

After discovering Samba in London in 2004, Seyi spent the next 6 years learning, playing, teaching, directing and performing with groups such as the London School of Samba, Paraiso Samba School, Umbela Arts, Beats Culture, Verde Vai, Chapa Quente, Bloco X and more.

Having gained a wide experience in Brazilian carnival arts and rythms such as Samba enredo, Samba Afro, Maraccatu and Axe. Seyi founded Ekosamba community in Lagos Nigeria, the first Samba school in the region. Seyi has since been acting as a link between Africa and the international Samba community as well as teaching, running workshops, team building/bonding sessions and performances.


Workshop Leaders

Valeu's Musical Directors are widely experienced professional musicians, sambistas and instrumental  teachers, with essential knowledge of relevant Brazilian genres. All of our leaders have specific developed skills in delivering engaging and creative workshops for participants of all ages. We meet regularly to share and combine new and exciting ideas enable to constantly extend and assess the quality of our program content.

Workshop Assistants

Our extended pool of Workshop Assistants are absolutely essential to supporting high quality large scale workshops. Each individual has wide instrumental experience in samba percussion and related learning techniques. While their role is to support the time and rhythms from the centre of the groove their extended skills are integral to the overall musicianship of the ensemble.

All of Valeu's Directors, Leaders and Assistants are validated with personal Public Liability Insurance and Enhanced  DBS (on barring service). 

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